Friday, June 21, 2024


#Yoga and #SIP

1. #Consistency and #Discipline:
   - Just as yoga requires regular practice, commit to contributing to your SIP consistently. Set a fixed amount or percentage to invest regularly, similar to maintaining a daily yoga routine.

2. #Patience and Long-Term Goals:
   - Yoga teaches patience and gradual progress. Similarly, SIPs are long-term investments. Trust the process and allow your investments to grow steadily over time.

3. #Balance and #Diversification:
   - Balance different yoga poses for physical and mental health. Similarly, diversify your SIP portfolio across various asset classes (equity, debt, etc.) to reduce risk.

4. #Guidance and #Expertise:
   - Just as yoga instructors guide your practice, seek financial #advice from #experts

Consult a #financialplanner #CFP #QPFP to align your SIPs with your goals.

Remember, both yoga and SIPs require commitment, focus, and a balanced approach. ๐Ÿง˜‍♂️๐Ÿ’ฐ

Start your #SIP in #equity #mutualfunds to fulfill your #dreams and empower #financialfreedom

#samparkonline #learnb4uearn

Monday, May 27, 2024

India's market-cap crosses $5-trillion milestone

Bharat -  Market Capitalization:

$1 Trillion: May 2007
$2 Trillion: July 2017 (10 Years)
$3 Trillion: May 2021 (4 Years)
$4 Trillion: November 2023 (2.5 Years)
$5 Trillion: May 2024 (6 Months)

The momentum signals the beginning of a massive expansion of our markets and the economy


Friday, May 17, 2024

Yes.. SIP hai.. toh mumkin hai

*MF SIP Numbers as on Apr 30, 2024 :*

1. The Number of SIP accounts are 8.70 crores. In these accounts, there is Rs. 11.26 lac crores of AUM. That is almost 19.6% of the total mutual fund industry AUM ( Rs. 57.26 lac crores)

2. About 60% of (8.7 crores accounts) the SIP accounts are less than 2 years old. They have 39% of the SIP AUM (Rs. 11.26 lac crores).

3. Overall, 12% of the SIP accounts & 28% of the SIP AUM are more than 5 years old.

4. To note, today, 43% of the SIPs are less than 1 year old & 12% are 5 years old.

5. The SIP collection of the mutual fund industry crossed Rs. 20,000 crores in a month in April 2024. 63.65 lacs new SIPs were registered, 33.35 lacs SIPs were discontinued.

Source : AMFI April 2024

Ask yourself 

Have you Participated in #Bharat and your personal finance growth story

Believe in India’s Growth Story 

#Invest in #bharat through #SIP in #Equity #Mutualfunds  for #Wealthcreation and #financialfreedom


#samparkonline #learnb4uearn

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