Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Corporate News

􀂄 Bharti Airtel announced the pay-per-second plan on its virtual
calling card service, 'Airtel CallHome', for its customers in
the US. - BS

􀂄 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is against
investing its surplus fund with PSU banks as giving business
on nomination basis was causing loss of interest revenue
to it. - BS

􀂄 HCL Security stated that it has signed an agreement with
technology firm Cisco for delivering IP-based safety and
security solutions. - BS

􀂄 Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) announced that it has
bagged a Rs 5,600 crore contract from an arm of Jaiprakash
Associates for setting up a 1,980-Mw thermal power plant
in Uttar Pradesh. - BS

􀂄 Jubilant Organosys announced that it has joined hands with
the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Southern
Research Institute to benefit from their collective innovation
and enabling technologies. - BS

􀂄 Pratibha Industries Ltd has informed that the company has
secured a Rs 30.37-crore contract for comprehensive water
supply scheme to Guledgudda town & enroute villages from
Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board. - BL

􀂄 The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.8 percent annual rate in
the third quarter, less than the government reported last
month, reflecting a smaller gain in consumer spending and
a bigger trade deficit.- Bloomberg

Macro Economic News

􀂄 Worried over weak dollar, India has reduced its exposure to
US treasury bonds by close to 8% between June-September
2009 to $35.9 billion. - ET

Global Cues

􀂄 The U.S. economy expanded at a 2.8 percent annual rate in
the third quarter, less than the government reported last
month, reflecting a smaller gain in consumer spending and
a bigger trade deficit.- Bloomberg

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