Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stress: Understand and manage it effectively

The severity of the signs and symptoms of the stress are exhibited in different ways depending upon the physical and the mental conditions of the individuals.

The body reacts and responds to stress in three stages:

1. First stage or Alarm stage:

During this stage, the body recognizes the cause of the stress and produces “the Adrenaline hormone” –the hormone of “Fight or Flight response”.

For example, if you happened to come across a snake, either you go away from that place speedily or you kill it.

2. Second Stage o Resistance stage:

If the stress still continues, our body becomes accustomed to it and tries to adjusts itself to the surroundings and the necessities of the situations.

3. Third stage or Stage of the End:

In this stage, the body can’t withstand the effects of the stress, due to the dysfunction of the organs concerning the control of the stress mechanism and the body unable to discharge even its normal functions.

The usual signs and symptoms exhibited by the excessive stress:

• Problems with remembering abilities.

• Lack of concentration power.

• Often getting angry even for small events.

• Inability to take correct decisions.

• Finding only faults in all the matters.

• Thoughts of anxiety and tensions.

• Continuous suffering.

• Lack of getting early relaxation.

• Feeling loneliness.

• Being in a state of depression or in a discomfort state.

• Feeling nervousness and un-necessary excitement.

• Not able to move freely with others.

• Blood pressure is raised.

• Feeling of body-pains.

• Either getting loose motions or having constipation.

• Pain in the chest and increase in the Heart-beating rate.

Owing to the continuous stress, the resistance power of the body against the diseases is decreased and the common ailments like cold and cough become chronic and make the person suffer for a pretty long time.

Hence it is highly essential to make the body free from stress from time to time.

Management of the stress:

• Avoid worrying often even for the minor matters.

• Do meditation and practice yoga.

• Take the help of the clinical psychologist.

• Do regular exercises for relaxation and for fitness of the body.

• Have faith in God, the omnipotent and your Savior
Source: personalitydevelopmentblog

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